[Kyoto Gion Yasaka] AWOMB new store — a lot of Japanese Girls want to visit!!

I’m chiroro⊂((・x・))⊃  (This is my face image!)
I’ve started to live in Kyoto recently.

This time, I’d like to introduce new type of sushi restaurant 

The name is “AWOMB”


There are three stores in Kyoto.

No.1 Karasuma (MAIN STORE)

No.2 Nishi-Kiya-machi

No.3 Gion-Yasaka


Today, I’ll introduce Gion-Yasaka which is the newest ABOMB Store

Gion-Yasaka store was opened on May 7th 2017 


This store serves “Teae sushi”  

“Teae sushi” is a sushi that you can mix the ingredients mainly made in Kyoto by yourselves

Previously, I visited the Karasuma (MAIN STORE), however the both was so different.

Anyway, Let me introduce AWOMB Restaurant 

This is “ishibe-koji” Road.

So narrow road, and we think “This is Kyoto landscape”!! 

I want to visit AWOMB by using Google map,
however, I didn’t think such a narrow road, so I passed by there…

and then, the store was on my left side

This is so quiet area, so I forgot such a crowded city in kyoto

Actually, I reserved the seat two weeks ago, I could manage to enter in
My seat was on the 2nd floor.

Can you see the seat??
This is so funny shape
I haven’t use such a Japanese seat

This might be because I’m Japanese, but I could sit by “SEIZA” easily.

On the 1st floor, we can sit down on floor
However, if you use counter seat, you don’t need to sit by “SEIZA” 

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